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(973) 432-1022
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- Fast and Effective Pest Control
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Fast and Effective Pest Control
Same Day Service Available
Emergency Service Upon Request
Have a pest-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!
Yes, bedbugs can cause rashes and skin irritation, which leads to itching/scratching. If you are experiencing unusual skin irritations, the first thing you should do is reach out to local exterminators like Priority 1 Termite and Pest Control to make sure it is not bed bugs before reaching out to a physician.
Unusual or loud noises in walls, attics, or basements are usually signs of wildlife animals who have made your home their home. This isn't as rare as you may think — more than 27,000 pest control companies are currently in operation, according to Consumer Affairs. Call our local team of exterminators to get help with uninvited wildlife in your home.
To avoid raccoons in your home, it is important to make sure they don't have a reason to be around the outside of your house. Make sure you don't have anything that draws them in such as garbage cans, food, birdseed, etc. Additionally, make sure you don't have low-hanging branches around your roof so animals don't have access to your home. If you already think you have raccoons in your home, call us today for our raccoon removal services.
To keep mice and other rodents away, make sure you cover all exterior openings and entryways, including water lines, drain pipes, and electrical lines. You can do this by using caulk or wood putty. If you need assistance, call pest control companies like Priority 1 Termite & Pest Control.
Home remedies do not work when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. You need professional exterminating services like those offered by Priority 1 Termite & Pest Control so you can sleep tight and not let the bed bugs bite.
Oftentimes, crackling in walls is caused by a large nest of bees or wasps who have made their way into your home. If you hear this, evacuate the home immediately and call the exterminators at Priority 1 Termite & Pest Control ASAP.
Bites on your skin could be caused by mosquitos, fleas, ticks, and other bugs. Reach out to Priority 1 Termite & Pest Control so we can help you identify which kind of bites they are. If you end up needing exterminating services to deal with an infestation, we're here to help.
351 Rt 10
Whippany, NJ 07981
20 Mount Pleasant Ave
Livingston, NJ 07039
Call or text our mobile number
at (973) 432-1022
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